Friday, 7 November 2014

Craft Stamper Blog Challenge: Christmas Fairy!

The November challenge starts today over at the Craft Stamper Blog.. with a really fun theme!
We would like you to use any old stamp, a stamp that is NOT Christmas themed, and come up with some kind of Christmas project! Sounds complicated? At first, yes, I agree........ but then once you start thinking, you can find all sorts of cool ideas! Here is my project...

I used the freebie stamp that came with the August issue of the magazine, and turned the flower into a pretty frock for my Christmas fairy!
I'll show you how I created her....
First I took two lengths of wire, and threaded both through a seed bead. The wire was then bent in two, with the bead at the top....
Next, I threaded the wires through a wooden bead...
This is the head of the fairy! Next, hair. Take a tiny bit of text paper, and cut fringed into the sides..
Glue this to the head....
Add more paper to give her a fringe...
Yes, the head looks pointy at this stage! It needs to be this shape though, all will be revealed in a minute....
Take two of the wire strands, and bend them to form a curve above the head...
These are the arms, which also double up as a hanger. Twist the wires together to secure, then trim off the excess...
Next, I made a teeny tiny circlet for her head. I used wire and 3mm crystals...
This then was glued to the head. This is why a pointy head is a good thing, it helps to keep the circlet in place! The 'pointiness' disappears once the circlet is on....
I added more crystals onto the other two lengths of wire, to form the legs...
The gap is left as this is where the body will go. No point in using up crystals if they won't be seen!
A little paint and fineliner pen to give her a face...
Next, stamping! I stamped the flower onto kraft card using white paint....
Once dry, I cut it out...
As you can see, I trimmed off the stem! I then covered the flower with glitter...
(and a punched out star too!) Strictly speaking, this isn't actually glitter. It is white glitter embossing powder that hasn't been embossed! I love using embossing powder this way, especially the glitter ones. (Yes I'm weird) This particular one, (WOW Sparkling Snow) is a fab mix of white granules and holographic glitter, which may be a bit 'in your face' when embossed, but perfect used as is for a bright white look with a subtle touch of shimmer!
Glue the star to the top of the arms (hiding the twisty bit of wire!)
And then glue the flower to the front of the fairy...
The final thing to add is wings...nearly forgot!
Bend some more wire....
Then trim off the excess and glue it to the back of the fairy...
All done! All that remains is to hang her from the tree....
There are LOADS of great ideas over on the Craft Stamper Blog today... the DT have come up with some ingenious ways of turning non Christmas Stamps into Christmas projects! Why not have a think, and enter the challenge.... as always, great prizes on offer!
See you soon,
Trish xxxxx


  1. What a beautiful little angel! You gave her a very beautiful dress :)
    Love your take, very original!

  2. Om goodness, this is so darn cute. Love the way you used the stamp for her dress.

  3. OMGiddy Aunt, a truly beautiful and inspirational creation. I want to make one of these right now! Thank you for the tutorial, you have made it look easy but i bet it isn't lol :-) xxx

  4. I love all your little dolls! I want to try making one so badly, thanks for the tutorial, you make it look so easy. Hugs, Renee xx

  5. Adore your dolls Trish :-) she Is Beeeautiful!xxx

  6. Stunning ornament, Trish & what a clever idea for the flower stamp.
    I adore the beading!

  7. This Christmas fairy project sounds like a lot of fun!


THANK YOU for taking the time to write me a means a lot! xxxxx